
No Single One, There Are Many Paths

October 4, 2022

By Leslie Clark, PRCC Executive Director There is no one pathway to recovery. Unless you’re talking about what got you there in the first place—waking up in jail, a trip to the emergency room, an ultimatum from your boss or your life partner—recovery is not a destination. It’s a life-long journey and the gifts are […]

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Recovery Community Centers Offer Good Soil for a Place to Grow

October 3, 2022

By Leslie Clark, PRCC Executive Director You don’t get over addiction by stopping using, you get over addiction by creating a new life Recovery is a life-long journey of learning and growing. In early recovery, the focus is on getting through the first days, weeks, and months of not using. Our brains and bodies begin […]

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Nurturing relationships through Telephone Recovery Support

October 1, 2022

By Leslie Clark, PRCC Executive Director In 1935 Bill Wilson walked through the lobby of the Mayflower Hotel in Akron. He passed the bar and looked for a phone booth, desperately seeking someone to talk with who would understand his craving. He was put in touch with Dr. Robert H. Smith and the rest is […]

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Growing Recovery Strong Communities in Maine: Recovery centers are formed by people in recovery for people in recovery

September 4, 2022

By Leslie Clark, PRCC Executive Director Let me start with a confession. Not so many years ago, I didn’t even know what a recovery community center was. I’d been driving by the newly started Portland Recovery Community Center (PRCC) on my daily route, and noticed the building. I’d been hearing casual conversations about what was […]

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Peer Recovery Coaching: Providing support and guidance along your path

October 4, 2021

By Leslie Clark, PRCC Executive Director What is a peer recovery coach? A peer recovery coach occupies a unique role in a recoveree’s personal journey. They offer coaching at every recovery community center in Maine, as well as increasingly in treatment centers, outpatient clinics and corrections facilities. Since 2018 Portland Recovery Community Center (PRCC) has […]

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