DEI & World Recovery Cafe

What is World Recovery Café?

World Recovery Café honors the role of food in identity, recovery, and belonging. This project explores the barriers and joys of different recovery experiences, connecting groups through shared meals and creative discussion.
World Cafés
Each monthly series starts with a brainstorming session ​for people who identify with that group. Facilitators guide discussion designed to generate new ideas, finishing with a shared lunch. Max. 30 / event: RSVP Required
Recovery Cafés
Featured speakers share their recovery story, connecting to themes that emerged in the World Café. All-recovery meeting with a light breakfast.  NO RSVP Required
Speakers share their experiences as members of groups that are underrepresented in recovery meetings, advocacy efforts, and positions of leadership.

When Is It?

Stay tuned for our next event!

Visual Harvests from Cafés

DEI Resources

PRCC's DEI Committee seeks to recognize and address the places where people are missing at the recovery table.

This space will be updated with PRCC's ongoing policies, projects, and resources related to that mission.